Christ's Example In Suffering (Matthew 27)
Jesus is the example to follow when you suffer unjustly (1 Pet. 2:18–23).
He did not reply when accused (11–14). In this, He fulfilled Isaiah 53:7. There is a time to speak and a time to be silent (Eccles. 3:7), and we must exercise discernment. One thing is sure: no matter what He said, they would not have believed Him.
He did not retaliate when abused (15–31). He had the power to destroy those who mocked Him; in fact, legions of angels would have delivered Him. But it was the Father’s will that He suffer as He did, and Jesus was obedient to His Father’s will.
He did not accept the cup (32–38). The narcotic drink would have helped deaden the pain, but Jesus refused it. He drank the cup of suffering instead.
He did not come down from the cross (40–44). Had He come down from the cross, the people still would not have believed in Him. And if He saved Himself, He could not save others (John 12:23–28). First the suffering, then the glory; first the cross, then the crown. Remember that the next time you are tempted to take the easy way.
Jesus did all of these so that when you suffer unjustly, you can always look up to Him as your example.